You would be forgiven for believing that old games have been left to gather dust in attics and junk shops. Their once brightly coloured sleeves and elaborate packaging left to become ever more dog-eared and discoloured with each passing decade.
With so many new AAA games out there with near photo-realistic graphics, who would want to play old games? Who cares anyway! Their concepts are as old as the technology they were developed for. But… time can be kinder than you think.
It may come as a surprise, but people are still playing old computer games to this day. The old gamer and new, still hold a candle to some retro games from decades ago. Nostalgia and joyful memories can act as powerful motivators with people wanting to play and do things they once loved.
The older generation gamers that once played these retro game titles are again returning back to replay old computer games.
People are still playing old computer games! With older generations introducing these games to new generations. Not only are older 2D games being played still, but they are also inspiring new generations of indie game developers too.
You only need to browse magazine shelves in the UK or carry out a quick search on the Internet to clarify that people are still playing old computer games. Or at the very least… discussing and buying them.

Are people still playing old computer games – The Consensus
People are still playing old computer games if data, observation, and retail are anything to go by. With so much activity around retro gaming in the retail spheres – in all likelihood, these large companies creating re-releases of consoles and games, would not do so for a numb market. There is a variety of gaming systems and consoles being made to cater to the retro gaming market.
To further answer whether people are still playing old computer games:-
- You can still physically buy re-releases of old games on various platforms. And this does not include ‘remakes’.
- Retro gaming magazines are being printed and purchased in high-street shops.
- Blog articles are still being written around games.
- Old gamers are selling classic games on eBay.
- If Trends data is anything to go by, more people appear to be searching around the topic of ‘Retro Gaming’ than ever. However, this is somewhat paraphrased.
Lastly, not only are people still playing old games, old games appear to be getting a bit of resurgence, combined with the slew of remakes coming onto the gaming market.
And let’s not forget old games that still have an active online community to further reaffirm that in all likelihood that old games are still being played today.
However, this is just one person’s opinion (mine) although stacked with research and observation. If you want to dive deeper I would do a search of the internet to see what comes back, if it was me!

Are gamers still playing old PC games?
And let’s not forget old games that still have an active online community to further reaffirm that in all likelihood that old gamers are still playing old PC games, this is arguably one of the biggest demographics of retro gaming.
From the MS-DOS era when some of the classic games were created, these are available to download and play today. There were a lot of games that came out for PC. Ah the DOS days…
As to whether gamers are still playing old PC games from more recent years, it is alleged that many active multilayer lobbies are still live with members. You may be surprised to hear that games such as Counter-Strike and Left 4 Dead 2 still have gamers blasting terrorists and shooting zombies.
Are gamers still playing old console games?
Old gamers are still playing old consoles and console games. There is enough of a market for companies to warrant creating new editions and re-releases of old game titles too. One such example is the creation of the PlayStation Classic.
This minified game system is a remake of the classic PlayStation 1 with 25 titles from the original PlayStation 1 console.
Do people still play old console games, in more ways than one – it would appear that they still are playing old console games! You might want to read: Is retro gaming still popular?