For those of us old enough to remember playing the original PS1, you may be wondering if you can still play some of your original games from way back in the mid-90s.
You may believe that these games have been left to history, never to be played again! Only to ever be looked upon with a fine pair of rose-tinted glasses. You can now take those rose-tinted glasses off!
Did you know that you can still play PS1 games?
There are multiple ways you can still play PS1 games. You can still play PS1 games through emulators. You can still also play PS1 games on an original intact PlayStation 1. And last and certainly not least, you can still play the original PS1 games as a re-release.
In 2018, a miniaturised version of the classic PlayStation 1 was produced. This mini console is called the PlayStation Classic which is 45% smaller than the original PlayStation 1. This miniaturised PS1 looks exactly like the original, albeit a scaled-down version, and includes 20 of the original titles that came out for the original PlayStation 1 in the 1990s. You can still play PlayStation 1 games on this console.
There are other ways you can still play PlayStation 1 games too. You can either search on websites such as eBay, or trawl through second-hand shops.

Can you still play ps1 games by… finding an original console
Equipped with the knowledge that you can still play PlayStation 1 games today, your next challenge may be where to find a PlayStation 1 console. And where to find the ps1 games!
In order to play a PlayStation1, you need to have all of the working hardware, for example, gamepads, the old slot-in memory cards if you intend to save your game, and the actual working console itself. Finding a working PS1 console is the primary challenge. Many of the PS1’s came out in the early to mid-1990s, if they are still around now, they could be quite rare – luckier still if you find a complete working system.
To find these parts to make a complete playable PS1, you can look online or you can search in second-hand shops or you might even be able to try your luck at car boot sales.
Playing PS1 Games | Finding the PlayStation 1 hardware online
To find the PlayStation 1 hardware you will need: the console, game controllers, cables, and the other components that go with it to make a working game system. To find these parts to make up an original PS1, you can look somewhere like eBay.
Although it should be noted that many of the items listed on eBay may only be parts, or damaged. If you were to look for long enough you may find a working console.
You can still play the original PS1 games, but…
You can find and play PS1 games, assuming that you have the original PlayStation 1 console in your ownership.
For argument’s sake, if you’re looking to play an original PlayStation 1 game that came on a classic CD, in a little jewel case, ( as a hardcore retro game may do ) you may find these games somewhere like eBay or through second-hand shops on the high street. It should be noted that these games are quite rare in their original form.
You may also like to know if retro gaming is popular and whether you are an island.

Can I still ps1 games – looking at the PlayStation Classic
If trawling the Internet, digging through junk sales, or looking through second-hand shops does not sound like your thing in order to play ( PS1) games. An alternative idea is to actually buy the re-release of the PlayStation 1 in its new shiny format – The PlayStation Classic!
This console re-release was launched in 2018. The PlayStation Classic is a must for your nostalgic gamer if you can’t get hold of the original PlayStation. It’s a quick and easy way to play your nostalgic PS1 games without scouring the internet to find all the parts to play it.

Can I still play PS1 games? They have also been ported to other gaming systems
Although this may not be the perfect PS1 gaming experience, an alternative option for you to play your classic PS1 games is to not play them on a PlayStation 1 at all.
If you can remember the name of your game, have you considered seeing if it was ported to other consoles or PC’s? For example, you might be to get the exact same PlayStation 1 game on PC today.
There is a lot of retro gaming in the PC industry at the moment. And this trend is only appearing to grow. It might be worth your while to take a look at the likes of or Steam to see if they have one of your PlayStation games in mind, although you may have to play it on a PC instead.
Why not buy a game controller to try and re-enact a similar experience from your youth! It may not be the most authentic and genuine Playstation 1 experience perhaps, but will could be an avenue that can allow you to still play PS1 games.
You may be interested in reading a bit more about retro gaming. For example, Do people still play old games.