Where do I begin…
Should I start with why I think Unity is one of the best Engines? Or, Should I start with why I started to use Unity? Or should I start with Unity Engines’ vast array of capabilities?
But for you the reader, you may be asking yourself – should I stop using Unity? For some game developers out there, there can be justified reasons as to why you would want to stop using Unity. And I have tried to create a list of fair reasons why you should stop using Unity – despite my biased urge to encourage its use. Here are some reasons why you should perhaps stop using Unity.
You should stop using Unity if you lack the hardware to run Unity effectively, experience frequent crashes, glitching issues with the program, or feel it is unsuitable for your game development project. Many developers stop using Unity out of personal preference and curiosity towards other game engines. Some would call this a case of grass being greener, others may wish to move onto something that suits their purpose. Although these are common reasons for some as to why they stopped using Unity, it should be noted that Unity has so much to offer. Should you stop using Unity? It comes down to personal preference.
Here too are some additional detailed reasons why you may wish to stop using Unity for your project. ( Perish the thought )

Should I stop using Unity – Potential Reasons
Despite the fact that Unity is a powerful and flexible game engine, some game developers may have their own reasons as to why they feel they should stop using Unity, be it for personal preference or due to technical limitations.

You struggle with technicalities
Not everybody finds a technical aspect of game development easy. Be it coding, or creating the game logic. On 1st appearance, Unity can seem like an overwhelming program and can be enough to put your off using it.
You should stop using Unity if are working with weak or outdated hardware
Another genuine reason why you should consider stopping using Unity is due to outdated or weak hardware. Unity can be taxing on weaker hardware, especially if you’re trying to work in 3D. It should be noted that I have tried to use Unity for 3D work on an old iMac, and the performance is slow and prone to crashing, although there are ways to negate this to some extent.
It should be noted that the problem is not with Unity, the actual problem lies with my own hardware. But for many of us running on older systems, this can be a genuine reason to not use Unity until you get better equipment. Be patient!
Don’t use Unity if you find it too hard to use
You should stop using Unity if you’re finding it too difficult to use! There’s no shame in admitting defeat! Perhaps Unity isn’t the engine for you. You could always consider other no-code engines to create your game.
As a game developer, you can’t be bothered learning something new
It sounds like it could be a game developer is being lazy, but actually, this is a genuine point. Learning something new from top to bottom can take time, and time can be very precious. If you lack time, then perhaps you should not use Unity for your project.
You want AAA visuals right out of the box
If you’re trying to create a game with superb 3D visuals that you see in modern AAA titles, you need to work with Unity to achieve those results. Unity can create AAA graphics, but it is alleged to require more effort compared to some other engines – according to 3D artists.
Because you have misplaced anger toward Unity
Perhaps you feel you should quit using Unity because you have some misplaced anger or rage toward the software. Believe it or not, people do get angry with their own tools! Enough to warrant you stopping using a tool? Probably not.
But some will use this anger to justify their stopping their use of Unity.
Because you’ve just ‘rage quit’ Unity
Did that happen 5 minutes ago? Did Unity just crash for some unknown reason? Did it freeze or stop you from doing what you needed to? Perhaps you feel it’s justified that you should stop using Unity if you’ve just rage quit the software. Or perhaps let your temper cool down and put aside the fact just lost 30 minutes of work.
Better than canning the project you are already 30 weeks into already perhaps?
Unity can crash
As much as I hate to admit it, Unity can and does crash. As with most pieces of software, Unity is not immune to crashing. Is the fact that Unity can crash or is more prone to crashing on certain systems enough to warrant stopping using it? Perhaps. This could be a genuine reason to stop using Unity if this happens more on your computer than it should.
Or… get a better computer.
Unity is not for everybody
Although Unity is a powerful and flexible engine, doesn’t make it the best solution for everybody. You may find Unity is too cumbersome or too steep a learning curve. For a few, this could be a reason for them to stop using Unity.
You should know that Unity can be a heavy program
You should stop using Unity ‘3D’ if your computer lacks sufficient disk space or graphical processing power to run Unity at a minimal level. Unity can be a heavy piece of software to operate in more ways than one.
If you are trying to run Unity on a PC that lacks the minimum hardware requirements, this can cause it to run slowly or not at all. If it is too much for your PC then you should stop using Unity on your PC. Those trying to work in 3D will notice this in particular.
You think Unity is a magic bullet for game development
If you believe Unity is a magic bullet for creating your game, then you should stop using Unity! Unity is not a magic bullet. It is a set of tools that allows you to create awesome games, but it is not a magic bullet, and neither will it manifest a great game for you. The leg work is down to you. Make sure to do your own research for suitable game engines.
Unity is not ideal for young children
As it stands, Unity is probably not the best development tool for young children. Although there is always an exception. Instead of Unity, you may wish to consider using alternative game engines, such as ones that don’t require coding for learning and play.

Why ‘you’ think you should stop using Unity
You may feel that you should stop using Unity for various reasons. My main suspicion as to why you are here. Unity has annoyed you in some way. It has either crashed midway through a project, corrupted, or a version of Unity is no longer compatible with what you are working on.
Try not to lose faith, and allow your temper to cool down before making any rash decisions. Swapping platforms mid-project may not be the best decision in the long run. Is a hiccup worth throwing away weeks of effort and work in a project you know? Consider this before deciding if you should stop using Unity.
Why you shouldn’t stop using Unity
My personal take on Unity is that it’s a brilliant engine for indie game developers. Engines, and free ones especially, have come a very long way in 20 years. Don’t allow meaningless opinions and trash talk to convince you out of using a certain set of tools.
Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face in other words.
If you feel you should stop using Unity in favour of something else, make sure it is for the right reasons. At the time of writing this, I still feel that Unity is a great engine!