7 ) Cheap retro controllers for PC & iMac | List

If you are looking for your next cheap and affordable retro game controller for your PC, iMac, or Raspberry Pi, then this could be just the post for you!

This post is all about cheap retro controllers for desktop computers. Relive your past gaming experiences by either using revived and refreshed retro controllers compatible with modern hardware or you can go one step further and buy an entire retro gaming system.

Brace yourself… here are some of the cheap original controllers.

It should be noted that these links in this post are part of the Amazon affiliate scheme. Should you decide to buy anything through one of the links from this post, a commission may be paid to me, the owner of – game-gunk.com. A big thank you for your support.

Here is a list of cheap retro controllers for PC & Mac | list

As with all products mentioned in this, please check that you have sufficient and correct hardware in order to use these products! You don’t want to buy something like this as a gift only to realise the person can’t use it. OR yourself, make sure whatever you buy is compatible with your hardware… Just a little cosy tip.

Specification for each product is listed at the bottom of the product listing on Amazon.

1 ) A low-cost ‘SNESlike’ controller with a USB cable

This affordable SNES-like controller comes with a wired cable so you can simply plug and play into your own desktop computer. No mucking around the batteries or charging, or any of that. Plug and go!

What more needs to be said about this wired, cheap, and affordable SNES-like controller, about apart it is USB! In order to use it, you would need to buy it and plug it in! Theoretically!

Cheap retro controllers for PC & iMac - Snes like

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2 ) Wireless SNES like controller PC & iMac

If the grey game pad above in the classic retro style of an SNES-type controller got you excited, then brace yourself…

What about a wireless version?

Don’t want cables, like the airy free feeling of modern tech meets old ideas? Perhaps this is the controller for you.

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3 )A Classic 2-button Retro Mouse – in 80’s beige and mushroom – Amiga & PC

You just do not know how excited I was when I came across this listing! Look what I found. Furthermore I found this product in a retail shop! It is real.

I’m ecstatic! Are you ecstatic?

Cheap retro controllers for PC & iMac amaig mouse

I even still have a memory of using such similar controllers on the old Amigas. I was very young.

Yes, the body of the mouse is that mustardy 80’s beige-type colour. And yes, it is square, but mouse ergonomics was hardly a thing in the 80’s and early 90’s! It clicked, and this could out block, or out-click many on the market in those early days.

Those good old days…

Who needs ergonomics when you have awesomeness instead? Just look at how cool it is!

Look at it… the mushroom beige.

This mouse is the epitome of retro gaming! Ideal for the Graphic Adventure you’ve been meaning to replay!

And yes it does have two mushroom coloured little buttons at the front of the mouse. Again, a simple plug and play mouse in a retro style… for retro gaming!

Feel free to purchase on AmazonOpens in a new tab. and thank you for your support.

Popular, cheap, and one of the more affordable controllers! a 100% on my wish list, as it should be on yours!

4 ) Multi-button Cheap Retro Arcade Controller

This retro multi-button controller and joystick is another honourable and affordable mention for this list of controllers! Something from my brother’s generation especially as an Amiga and Commodore gamer!

You can buy the product on AmazonOpens in a new tab.

5 ) Classic / Authentic flight stick for flight simulator games

Didn’t see that coming did you? A flight stick in the category of cheap retro controllers for PC & iMac.

Did you ever play X-Wing or any other cool flight-similar simulator game on the good old MS-DOS?

Do you remember the flight stick you used? I bet it was a 90’s computer beige too. Ours was, with a black stick and red trigger and a small red button on the top. Okay, this flight stick is not some much retro, but it is authentic looking.

It is part of the THRUSTMASTER! Store.

Flight stick

Available on Amazon!Opens in a new tab.

6 ) ‘Commodore 64 Like’ Joystick With Red Buttons

This resembles the type of joystick for either the Amiga or Commodore 64, but I can’t remember which! This is another simple plug-in-play joystick you could use for a desktop computer.

You can buy it here on AmazonOpens in a new tab.

Cheap retro controllers for PC & iMac - Commodore

7 ) Logitech game controller – Cross-Generational, Cross Platform

Who has not heard of big name brand Logitech? Well, they make good affordable computer hardware, namely from mice to controllers to say a few!

Did you also know they have claimed to have created this late retro-style gaming controller? 00’s retro, So not all that retro in my opinion, but older nonetheless in it’s style and design.

According to the specifications, you can use this controller on your PC or iMac ( Rasberry Pi? ).

Why not check it out for yourself? But one very favourable review states this.

Cheap retro controllers for PC & iMac - joypad

And that concludes looking at cheap retro controllers for PC & iMac – Other topics

Jimm Odell

I am Jim ( Jimm ) the founder of this website. Lover of games, old-school user of Flash with years of commercial experience and somebody that uses with Unity for indie game creation.

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